
Lomanco Products

Attic Fans - Powered

Lomanco Addavent 1800 Gable Mounted Attic Fan

Addavent 1800 all-aluminum gable-mounted ventilator. Complete with thermostat to control the fan. Ventilates up to 1500 square feet of attic.

Lomanco Lomancool 2000 Roof Mounted Attic Fan

Lomancool 2000 all-aluminum powered roof-mounted ventilator. Complete with thermostat to control the fan. Ventilates up to 1500 square feet of attic.

Attic Vents

Lomanco 700 Series Slant Back Roof Vents

Static roof vents for any pitch roof. Three sides louvered for greater air flow. Aluminium and galvanized construction.

Crawlspace Ventilation

Lomanco Crawlspace Ventilators

The PCV1 crawlspace fan is designed to be mounted behind any new or existing crawlspace vent. Humidistat controlled. 1 unit will VENTILATE UP TO 1650 cubic feet of crawlspace.


why buy from us?

We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.

Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.