Condensate Pump Accessories
Little Giant Condensate Pump Check Valves
Check valves for Little Giant and other brand condensate removal pumps.

Condensate Removal Pumps
Little Giant 1-ABS Series Shallow Pan Condensate Removal Pump
1-ABS shallow pan condensate pump designed for in-pan placement. 1/150 hp motor, 205 GPH.

Little Giant 3-ABS Series In Pan Shallow Pan Condensate Removal Pump
3-ABS shallow pan condensate pump designed for in-pan placement. 1/12 hp motor, 310 GPH.

Little Giant EC-1-DV Series Remote Pump Mini Split Condensate Removal Pumps
Two piece design allows the reservoir to be placed within the air handler while the pump-controller is located outside. 110-240VAC.

Little Giant NXTGen VCMX Series Automatic Condensate Removal Pumps
For automatic removal of condensate from air conditioning equipment, de-humidifiers, high efficiency furnaces, etc.

Little Giant VCCA Series Low Profile Condensate Removal Pumps
Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from a/c equipment. 1/3 gallon low profile tank.

Little Giant VCL Series Large Tank Condensate Removal Pumps
Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from a/c equipment. 1 gallon LARGE tank.

Little Giant VCMA Series Medium Tank Condensate Removal Pumps
Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from a/c equipment. 1/2 gallon MEDIUM tank.

why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.