Booster Pumps - Residential
AquaMotion Aqua-Max APB30 Pressure Booster
Boosts domestic water pressure in residential homes by 30 psi to all fixtures and sprinkler heads. 28 GPM max flow.

Cast Iron Circulator Pumps
AquaMotion 1 Speed Cast Iron Circulators
Cast iron circulators designed for closed loop hydronic heating systems, radiant heating, and indirect water heating applications. 1 speed motors. 12-31 GPM.

AquaMotion 3 Speed Cast Iron Circulators
Cast iron circulators designed for closed loop hydronic heating systems, radiant heating, and indirect water heating applications. 3 speed motors. 16-31 GPM.

AquaMotion Cast Iron Companion Flanges
Cast iron companion flanges. Include cast iron flanges, bolts, nuts and square gaskets.

AquaMotion Replacement Pump Cartridge
Replacement pump cartridge for AquaMotion pumps.

ECM Circulating Pumps
AquaMotion AM55-FVL Cast Iron ECM Circulator
ECM cast iron circulator. MAX FLOW: 20 gpm. MAX HEAD: 21 ft. Universal 4 bolt flange. Not for potable water.

AquaMotion AM55-SFVL Stainless Steel ECM Circulator
ECM stainless steel circulator. MAX FLOW: 20 gpm. MAX HEAD: 21 ft. Universal 4 bolt flange. Not for potable water.

AquaMotion AMRe-FVL High Efficiency ECM Circulator
ECM circulator for heating installations with IRON GUARD. Performance of 20 ft. x 18 GPM. 120/1/60, 45 watts. Not for potable water.

Stainless Circulator Pumps
AquaMotion 3 Speed Stainless Circulators
Stainless steel circulators for open loop domestic, solar, hot water and potable water systems. 3 speed motors. 16-31 GPM.

AquaMotion AM1 To AM6 1 Speed Stainless Circulators
Stainless steel circulators for open loop domestic, solar, hot water and potable water systems. 1 speed motors. AM1 to AM6 sizes. 5-18 GPM.

AquaMotion AM7 To AM10 1 Speed Stainless Circulators
Stainless steel circulators for open loop domestic, solar, hot water and potable water systems. 1 speed motors. AM7 to AM10 sizes. 11-31 GPM.

AquaMotion Stainless Steel Companion Flanges
Stainless steel companion flanges. Include flanges, bolts, nuts and square gaskets.

Hot Water Recirculation Pumps - FOR TANKLESS
AquaMotion AMH1K-6ODRZT1 Tankless Pump and Valve Hot Water Recirculation System
Split pump and bypass valve kit. Pump installs at water heater and valve under sink. For single pipe systems with a TANKLESS water heater with no pump. With timer.

AquaMotion AMH1K-7ODRN ON DEMAND Pump and Valve Hot Water Recirculation System
Split pump and bypass valve kit. Pump at water heater and valve under sink. For small TANKLESS water heater. Up to 100 ft. of total pipe length. ON DEMAND.

AquaMotion AMH1K-RODRN ON DEMAND Tankless Pump and Valve Hot Water Recirculation System
Split pump and bypass valve kit. Pump at water heater and valve under sink. For single pipe plumbing with a TANKLESS water heater. ON DEMAND.

AquaMotion AMH2K-R Dedicated Return Line TANKLESS Water Recirculation System
Recirc system for dedicated return lines with a large hot water tank or tankless heater. Timer or on-demand models. Up to 600 ft. total pipe length.

AquaMotion AMH3K-R Tankless Under Sink Hot Water Recirculation System
Under sink recirc system for standard single pipe plumbing with a TANKLESS water heater. Timer or on-demand models. Up to 600 ft. total pipe length.

Hot Water Recirculation Pumps - NON TANKLESS
AquaMotion AMH1K-3UV Pump and Valve Hot Water Recirculation System
Split pump and bypass valve kit. Pump installs at water heater. and valve under sink. For standard plumbing, single pipe systems with a hot water tank. With timer.

AquaMotion AMH2K-7 Dedicated Return Line Water Recirculation System
Recirc system for dedicated return lines with a hot water tank (non-tankless). Timer or on-demand models. Up to 250 ft. total pipe length.

AquaMotion AMH3K-7 Under Sink Hot Water Recirculation System
Under sink recirc system for standard plumbing, single pipe systems with a hot water tank. Timer or on-demand models. Up to 250 ft. total pipe length.

Outdoor Hot Water Recirculation Pumps
AquaMotion AMH1K-7ODRXT1 Outdoor On Demand TANKLESS Water Recirculation System
Outdoor ON-DEMAND tankless recirc system. For up to 100 ft. of total pipe length and tankless flow requirement of .4 GPM or less. On-demand switch controlled.

AquaMotion AMH1K-7ODRXZT1 Outdoor TANKLESS Water Recirculation System
Outdoor tankless recirc system. For up to 100 ft. of total pipe length and tankless flow requirement of .4 GPM or less. Timer controlled.

AquaMotion AMH1K-RODRXT1 Outdoor On Demand TANKLESS Water Recirculation System
Outdoor ON-DEMAND tankless recirc system. For up to 600 ft. of total pipe length and tankless flow requirement of .4 GPM or more. On-demand switch controlled.

AquaMotion AMH2K-7X Dedicated Return Line Outdoor TANKLESS Water Recirculation
For outdoor tankless installation with a dedicated return line and with LESS than .4 GPM flow requirement. Up to 250 ft. of total pipe length.

AquaMotion AMH2K-RX Dedicated Return Line Outdoor TANKLESS Water Recirculation
For outdoor tankless installation with a dedicated return line and with MORE than .4 GPM flow requirement. Up to 600 ft. of total pipe length.

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We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.