Blowers and Utility Sets
Canarm 400 Series FC Exhauster Belt Drive Utility Blowers
400 Series FC Exhauster Belt Drive Utility Blowers.

Canarm 600 Series FC Exhauster Belt Drive Utility Blowers
FC exhauster belt drive utility blowers.

Canarm BI-RM Series Restaurant Belt Drive Utility Blowers
Belt Drive Utility Blowers. UL 762 Listed for removal of cooking vapours. Upblast discharge directs exhaust away from roof.

Canarm BI Series Belt Drive Utility Blowers
BI Series Belt Drive Utility Blowers. Discharge position can be field rotated to any of 8 discharge positions.

Canarm G-DD Series Centrifugal FC Direct Drive ECM Blowers
OEM blowers. Centrifugal, forward curved, direct drive DWDI. Complete with ECM motors.

Canarm GSQ-D and GSQ-D-EC Backward Inclined Direct Drive Inline Blowers
Direct drive square inline blowers. Standard and ECM motors.

Ceiling Fans
Canarm FANBOS CP HVLS Ceiling Fans
FANBOS HVLS Fans. 96 and 120 inch sizes. DC motor for max efficiency.

Canarm PBKD/WMKD/CCU Pedestal and Wall Mount Circulating Fans
Pedestal or wall mounted commercial circulating fans. Oscillating and stationary versions. 3 speed with power cord.

Commercial Bath Exhaust
Canarm CBF Commercial Bathroom Exhaust Fans
Commercial bath exhaust fans. 185 to 1600 CFM. EC motor with built in speed control

Duct Blowers
Canarm 200DD Series Direct Drive FC Inline Duct Blowers with ECM
Forward curved inline duct blowers. High efficiency direct drive ECM motor for energy efficient, low maintenance applications.

Canarm 200 Series Forward Curved Inline Duct Blowers
Forward curved inline duct blowers. Wheel diameters: 7 through 20 inch. CFM: Approx 500 to 12,500 CFM in a single blower (twins available).

Canarm 9200DD Series Direct Drive FC Heavy Duty Inline Duct Blowers with ECM
Forward curved heavy duty inline duct blowers. Insulated. Direct drive ECM motor for energy efficient, low maintenance. Indoor and outdoor applications.

Canarm 9200 Series Forward Curved Inline Duct Blowers
Forward curved inline duct blowers. CFM: Approximately 500 to 12,500 CFM in a single blower. Usage to about 3 in static pressure is common.

Canarm 9200-VIB Forward Curved Inline Duct Blowers
Forward curved inline duct blowers with internal spring vibration isolation. CFM: Approximately 500 to 12,500 CFM in a single blower.

Canarm HC Heating Coils and CW Cooling Coils
Heating and cooling coils. Designed for use with Canarm 200, IDB or 9200 Series duct blowers.

Canarm IDB Series Forward Curved Inline Duct Blowers
Forward curved inline duct blowers. Not insulated and unpainted. Constructed from galvanized steel for durability.

Explosion Proof Fans
Sturdily constructed from all-aluminum extrusions, direct drive fans with EXPLOSION PROOF MOTORS. Includes shutters.

Canarm P Series EXPLOSION PROOF Fans
Sturdily constructed, direct drive panel mounted fans with EXPLOSION PROOF MOTORS.

Explosion Proof standard fan with heavy gauge aluminum fan blades, rugged steel welded box housing and aluminum louver shutters.

Food Truck Exhaust Fans
Canarm ALX-UD Upblast Direct Drive Spun Alum Exhausters
Upblast direct drive spun alum exhauster. Can be used as either a roof top or wall mount exhaust fan. Available with EC Motors.

Makeup and Supply Air Fans
Canarm 700DD Series Filtered Fresh Air Supply Units With ECM Motors
Filtered fresh air supply units for use in restaurants, schools, high rise apartments and many other commercial and industrial applications. ECM motors.

Canarm SISDD Series Direct Drive Filtered Fresh Air Supply Units with ECM
Side intake filtered fresh air supply units. Direct drive with ECM motor for efficiency.

Canarm TEFC AC Motors - 1 Phase
Canarm AC motors. Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC). Single speed. 1 Phase.

Canarm TEFC AC Motors - 3 Phase
Canarm AC motors. Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC). Single speed. 3 Phase.

Propeller Fans Direct Drive
Canarm AX-EC Wall Exhaust Fans With EC Motor
EC Motor wall exhaust fans. Constructed of heavy duty aluminum with built in shutters. Variable speed. 8 inch to 20 inch sizes.

Canarm AX Series Exhaust Fan
Sturdily constructed, direct drive, horizontal discharge fans with gravity shutters.

Canarm Front Guards and Hoods for AX and P Series Fans
Wall discharge hoods and front guards for the Canarm AX and P series fans.

Canarm GSF Series Exhaust Fan With Shutter
Galvanized shutter fan complete with power cord, pull chain switch and adjustable thermostat.

Canarm Motorized and Gravity Dampers for AX and P Series Fans
Motorized and gravity dampers for fresh air intake on AX & P series fans.

Canarm P Series Exhaust Fan
Panel exhaust fan, sturdily constructed, direct drive with horizontal discharge.

Canarm SD-EC Wall Exhaust Fans With EC Motor
EC Motor wall exhaust fans with aluminum louver shutters. Variable speed. 8 inch to 20 inch sizes.

Canarm SD Series Wall Exhaust Fans
Wall exhaust fans with a rugged steel welded box housing and aluminum louver shutters. 8 inch to 36 inch sizes.

Canarm XFS Series Shutter Exhaust Fan
Wall exhaust fans for commercial applications. 1, 2 or 3 speeds with OFF and come complete with a shutter, full chain switch and 9 ft cord.

Replacement Motors
Canarm ECM Replacement Motors
Perfectspeed replacement ECM motors with user interface for speed control.

Rooftop Exhausters Downblast
Canarm 300DD Series Direct Drive FC Roof Exhauster With ECM
Direct drive roof exhauster. Forward curved. Complete with ECM motor and speed control.

Canarm ALX-DB Downblast Belt Drive Spun Alum Exhausters
Downblast belt drive spun alum exhauster. Units up to 24" can be wall mounted. For exhausting air from restaurants, offices, warehouses, etc.

Canarm ALX-DD Downblast Direct Drive Spun Alum Exhausters
Downblast direct drive spun alum exhauster. Can be used as either a roof top or wall mount exhaust fan. Available with EC Motors.

Rooftop Exhausters Upblast
Canarm ALX-UB Upblast Belt Drive Spun Alum Exhausters
Upblast belt drive spun alum exhauster. Units up to 24" can be wall mounted. For exhausting air from restaurants, offices, warehouses, etc.

Canarm RB Belt Drive Roof Exhausters 1 Phase
Roof mounted exhausters. Sturdily constructed belt drive roof exhausters ideal for industrial and commercial applications. 1 phase models.

Canarm RB Belt Drive Roof Exhausters 3 Phase
Roof mounted exhausters. Sturdily constructed belt drive roof exhausters ideal for industrial and commercial applications. 3 phase models.

Canarm RD Direct Drive Roof Exhausters
Sturdily constructed roof mounted exhausters. Direct drive. Ideal for industrial and commercial applications.

Canarm RTA Belt Drive Roof Exhausters 1 Phase
Roof mounted exhausters. Belt drive, heavy duty construction ideal for industrial & commercial applications. 1 phase models.

Canarm RTA Belt Drive Roof Exhausters 3 Phase
Roof mounted exhausters. Belt drive, heavy duty construction ideal for industrial & commercial applications. 3 phase models.

Sidewall Exhaust Fans
Canarm ADD Series Direct Drive Wall Exhaust Fans 1 Phase
Heavy duty application direct drive exhaust fans. Heavy duty airfoil cast aluminum blades. 1 phase models.

Canarm ADD Series Direct Drive Wall Exhaust Fans 3 Phase
Heavy duty application direct drive exhaust fans. Heavy duty airfoil cast aluminum blades. 3 phase models.

Canarm HVA Series Belt Drive Wall Exhaust Fans 1 Phase
Used for high volume, high static pressure heavy duty applications. Airfoil-cast aluminum or anti-static glass reinforced nylon blades. 1 phase models.

Canarm HVA Series Belt Drive Wall Exhaust Fans 3 Phase
Used for high volume, high static pressure heavy duty applications. Airfoil-cast aluminum or anti-static glass reinforced nylon blades. 3 phase models.

Canarm HV Series Belt Drive Wall Exhaust Fans 1 Phase
Exhaust fans for heavy duty commercial and industrial applications. Typically used for high volume, high static pressure systems. 1 phase models.

Canarm HV Series Belt Drive Wall Exhaust Fans 3 Phase
Exhaust fans for heavy duty commercial and industrial applications. Typically used for high volume, high static pressure systems. 3 phase models.

Canarm XB Series Belt Drive Wall Fans
Designed for efficient and economical operation at low speeds and low noise levels. Used for low pressure exhaust applications.

Canarm XB Series Belt Drive Wall Fans With Cabinet Back Guard And Shutter
XB wall fan with cabinet back guard and shutter. Used for low pressure exhaust applications.

Canarm XB Series Belt Drive Wall Fans With Front Sleeve And Shutter
XB wall fan with front sleeve and shutter. Used for low pressure exhaust applications.

Canarm XB Series Belt Drive Wall Fans With Rear Sleeve And Back Guard
XB wall fan with rear sleeve and back guard. Used for low pressure exhaust applications.

Tube Axial Duct Fans
Canarm BTA Belt Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 1 Phase
Designed for duct connected applications such as air make-up, general exhaust. For clean, dry air with a max temperature of 200 F (95 C). 1 Phase.

Canarm BTA Belt Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 3 Phase
Designed for duct connected applications such as air make-up, general exhaust. For clean, dry air with a max temperature of 200 F (95 C). 3 Phase.

Canarm DDA Direct Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 1 Phase
Direct drive tube axial duct fans for clean, dry air with a maximum temperature of 100F (40C). 1 phase motors.

Canarm DDA Direct Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 3 Phase
Direct drive tube axial duct fans for clean, dry air with a maximum temperature of 100F (40C). 3 phase motors.

Canarm HTA Belt Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 1 Phase
Designed for duct connected applications such as air make-up, general exhaust. For clean, dry air with a maximum temperature of 375F (190C). 1 Phase.

Canarm HTA Belt Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 3 Phase
Designed for duct connected applications such as air make-up, general exhaust. For clean, dry air with a maximum temperature of 375F (190C). 3 Phase.

Canarm WTA Belt Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 1 Phase
Designed for duct connected applications such as air make-up, general exhaust. For moisture laden air with a max temperature of 200 F (95 C). 1 Phase.

Canarm WTA Belt Drive Tube Axial Duct Fans 3 Phase
Designed for duct connected applications such as air make-up, general exhaust. For moisture laden air with a max temperature of 200 F (95 C). 3 Phase.

HVLS High Volume Fans
Canarm Tri-Lite HVLS High Volume and Low Speed Fans
High volume low speed fan design, ideal for industrial settings, provides necessary air movement up to 177,000 CFM.

Ceiling Mounted Bath Fans
Canarm BPT Series Ceiling Exhaust Fans
Ceiling mounted bath fans. 4 inch duct connections. 70 and 110 cfm sizes.

Canarm CEPD Series DC Motor Quiet Ceiling Exhaust Fans
DC motor ultra quiet ceiling mounted bath fans. 6 inch duct connections. 150 to 200 CFM.

Canarm CEP Series Quiet Ceiling Exhaust Fans
Ultra quiet ceiling mounted bath fans. 6 inch duct connections. 80 to 150 CFM.

HEPA Filtration
Canarm HFB Series HEPA Air Purification Kits
HEPA filter box to enhance HVAC systems. HEPA filter and 1 inch pre-filter. Can accomodate 2 inch pre-filter.

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