iO Controls Temp-Stat Temporary Construction Thermostats
Low cost, non-adjustable, temporary construction thermostats. Preset to a given temperature. Made for either heating or cooling applications.

iO Controls Universal Thermostat Smart Wire Module
Used where you need to control up to 5 digital outputs and only have 2 wires between locations such as a thermostat and HVAC system. 2 to 5 wire adapter.

iO Controls Universal Twinning Kit
Twinning kit designed to allow a single thermostat to control two separate HVAC units. Expandable to control a total of four HVAC units.

iO Controls UT32 Room Touchscreen Thermostat
Programmable touchscreen thermostat. Battery powered or hardwired. 7 Day programmable or non programmable. 3H/2C heat pump or dual fuel. 2H/2C conventional.

Relays & Misc Controls
iO Controls iO-WRP Long Range Wireless Relay Kit
Wireless relay kit - long range. Base module has 3 transmitting and 1 receiving channel. Satellite module has 3 receiving and 1 transmitting channel. Up to 1/4 mile range.

iO Controls iO-WR Wireless Relay Kit
Wireless relay kit. Base module has 3 transmitting and 1 receiving channel. Satellite module has 3 receiving and 1 transmitting channel. Up to 100 foot range.

iO Controls Lead Lag Controller
24V lead/lag controller offers balanced operating time between 2 redundant devices.

Air Inlets & Fresh Air Kits
iO Controls iO Controls CO2, Temperature and Humidity Monitor
Monitor and reduce CO2 levels in an interior space by being able to introduce fresh outside air at a controlled rate. Programmable relay and 3 0-10V outputs.

iO Controls iO-FAV Fresh Air Ventilation Kits
iO-FAV fresh air ventilation kit with control panel. Exhaust fan control option, outdoor temperature and/or humidity limit options and damper override capabilities.

iO Controls iO-FAV-PLUS Fresh Air Ventilation Kits
iO-FAV-PLUS fresh air ventilation kit with control panel. iO-FAV kit with additional outdoor temp stat and humidistat included.

iO Controls UT32-VK Fresh Air Ventilation Kit
Kit contains Titan thermostat and supply air ventilation control designed to meet code requirements for fresh air ventilation.

Makeup Air Systems - Residential
iO Controls MUA Make-Up Air Damper Kits
Make-up air damper kit with PO/SC damper, pressure switch, and 20VA transformer. Adjustable static pressure sensor .08" - 1.20" WC.

HVAC Lockout
iO Controls Lodge Watch Wireless Energy Monitor
Detects when a door or window is left open for more than 2 minutes. It then locks out the HVAC equipment until it detects the closure of the door or window.

Air Dampers
iO Controls MD Round 2-Position 3-Wire Dampers
ROUND galvanized steel, single-blade dampers complete with a 3-wire, 24 volt, Power Close, Power Open actuator. 2 position.

iO Controls RBD Retrofit Register Boot Dampers
Retrofit zone damper designed to be installed in a register booth without having to take the duct work apart. 3-wire, 24 volt, Power Close, Power Open actuator. 2 position.

iO Controls RD Retrofit 2-Position 3-Wire Zone Dampers
Retrofit zone damper for round duct. 3-wire, 24 volt, Power Close, Power Open actuator. 2 position.

Bypass Dampers
iO Controls BV and BH Barometric Bypass Dampers
Used to automatically bypass excess air when increases in duct pressure occur due to closing of zone dampers. Recommended for systems up to 0.75 inches WC of static pressure.

iO Controls EB Rectangular Electronic Bypass Dampers
RECTANGULAR electronic bypass dampers. Floating-type motorized actuator along with the iO-SPC static pressure control. For systems from 0.08" WC up to 1.20" WC of static pressure.

iO Controls EB Round Electronic Bypass Dampers
ROUND electronic bypass dampers. Floating-type motorized actuator along with the iO-SPC static pressure control. For systems from 0.08" WC up to 1.20" WC of static pressure.

Zone Dampers
iO Controls MD Rectangular 2-Position 3-Wire Dampers
ROUND extruded aluminum parallel blade dampers complete with a 3-wire, 24 volt, Power Close, Power Open actuator. 2 position.

Zoning Panels
iO Controls ZP-ESP Zone Control Panels With Pressure Control
Zone panel systems for 2 to 6 zones. Single stage and multi stage heating and cooling. ESP static pressure control eliminates the need for a bypass damper.

iO Controls ZP Zone Control Panels
Zone panel systems for 2 to 6 zones. Single stage and multi stage heating and cooling. No pressure control.

why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.