Fan Coil Controllers
Neptronic EFC Fan Coil Controllers
Fully configurable fan coil controllers with native BACnet MS/TP or Modbus. 24, 120 or 240Vac operation. Up to 10 inputs and 15 outputs.

Neptronic TFC Wall Mounted Fan Coil Controllers
Wall mounted fan coil controllers. Stand-alone and BACnet models.

Heat Pump Controllers
Neptronic TFP Series Heat Pump Controller
Heat pump thermostat for single stage heating & cooling units. Mostly used for small commercial applications like hotel rooms.

Humidity Controllers
Neptronic HRO Humidity Controllers
Wall mounted humidity controller. 0-10Vdc or 2-10Vdc output. Adjustable set point and reset from optional external sensor.

Makeup Air Controllers
Neptronic TMA Wall Mount Controller for Make-Up Air
Thermostat designed for controlling an electric heater in a make-up air unit.

Pressure Controllers
Neptronic SPC Static Pressure Controllers
SPC static or differential pressure controllers are used to control bypass damper actuators for VAV systems. Include LCD display.

Rooftop Controllers
Neptronic TRT Wall Mounted Rooftop Controller
Wall mounted controller for rooftop and self-contained units. 2 heat and cool stages.

Temperature Controllers
Neptronic TRO 2X4 series 6 output temperature controllers
24 VAC wall thermostat / controller. This modern thermostat can connect up to 6 outputs at once. Available in stand-alone or with BACnet.

Neptronic TRO 3X3 series 24 VAC wall thermostats and temperature controllers
24 VAC wall thermostats with multiple cooling & heating ramps and with night setback.

VAV Controllers
Neptronic EVC BACnet VAV Controllers
EVC BACnet/Modbus VAV controller packages. The controller mounts on the VAV box and is connected to the room thermostat (TRL series).

Control Actuators
Neptronic A M X V Series LINEAR Control Actuators
Linear actuators. 27 to 1500 lb rating depending on model.

Neptronic B Series Control Actuators 50
50 (5.6 Nm) torque actuators for small dampers, unit ventilators, 1/4 turn valves, VAV box control, fan coils. Rotation time varies by model.

Neptronic B SLOW Series Control Actuators 50
50 (5.6 Nm) torque SLOW actuators. 90-110 second rotation time.

Neptronic D Series Control Actuators 35
35 (4 Nm) torque actuators for small dampers, unit ventilators, 1/4 turn valves, VAV box control, fan coils. 90-110 sec rotation time.

Neptronic FAST Series 120 to 240 Control Actuators
FAST actuators. 15-30 second rotation and 120-240 torque depending on model.

Neptronic FAST Series 25 to 50 Control Actuators
FAST actuators. 1.5 - 8 second rotation and 25-50 torque depending on model.

Neptronic IP65 Harsh Environment Control Actuators
IP65 actuators for high humidity applications. Rotational speeds from 60 to 85 sec and up to 360

Neptronic L Series Control Actuators 140
140 (16 Nm) torque actuators. 60-85 second rotation time.

Neptronic R Series Control Actuators 360
360 (40 Nm) torque actuators. 60-85 or 40-50 second rotation time depending on model.

Neptronic S Series Control Actuators 70
70 (8 Nm) torque actuators for small dampers, unit ventilators, 1/4 turn valves, VAV box control and fan coils. 90-110 sec rotation time.

Neptronic T Series Control Actuators 180
180 (20 Nm) torque actuators. 60-85 or 40-50 second rotation time depending on model.

Neptronic U Series 1800-2500 Large Control Actuators
1800-2500 torque large actuators. Rotation time varies with model.

Neptronic W Series 3500-4000 Large Control Actuators
3500-4000 torque large actuators. Rotation time varies with model.

Control Valves
Neptronic Control Valves
Control valves are used to regulate the flow of liquids. A typical use is in heating and cooling systems.

Neptronic SKR Residential Steam Humidifiers Accessories
Optional and replacement accessories for Neptronic SKR residential humidifiers.

Neptronic SKR Residential Steam Humidifiers With N Kit No Controls
Generates mineral free, odorless, sterile steam. N KITS: Terminal blocks for control connection. No controllers included.

Pressure Transmitters - Gas
Neptronic SPD Differential Pressure Transducers
NEP differential pressure transducer. 1 to 5 inches w.c. multiple ranges available.

Relays & Misc Controls
Neptronic CCC Relay Interface Boards
Interface boards ideal for fan coil applications where 240/120 Vac equipment must be controlled by a 24Vac thermostat controller.

Duct Heaters - Electric
Neptronic Electric Duct Heaters
NEPTherm heaters are designed to complement heating systems of homes and offices by preheating fresh air or returned air with any existing central forced-air heating system.

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We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.