Pressure (Air) Balancing
Tamarack Perfect Balance In-Door Pressure Balancer
Attractive option for solving indoor pressure imbalances. 24.5 inch width X 4 inch height rough opening. Fits a 1-3/8 inch thick door with a minimum width of 30 inches. White.

Tamarack Return Air Pathway (RAP) Pressure Relief
Relieves pressure build up in the home by allowing the movement of air between rooms while dampening sound and light transmission.

Whole House Fans
Tamarack HV1000 R38 Whole House Fan
R38 insulated whole house fan. Moves 1,150 CFM using 70 watts of power. Fits 16” or 24” on-center joists with no joist cutting.

Tamarack HV1000 R50 Whole House Fan
R50 insulated whole house fan. Moves 1,150 CFM using 70 watts of power. Fits 16” or 24” on-center joists with no joist cutting.

Tamarack HV1600 R38 Whole House Fan
R38 insulated whole house fan. 2-Speed moving 1,150/1,600 CFM. Fits 16” or 24” on-center joists with no joist cutting.

Tamarack HV1600 R50 Whole House Fan
R50 insulated whole house fan. 2-Speed moving 1,150/1,600 CFM. Fits 16” or 24” on-center joists with no joist cutting.

Tamarack TC1000H Whole House Fans
For use in solid roof or wall applications. Moves 800 CFM. Equipped with a motorized R-10 insulated damper that seals when the fan is not in use.

why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.